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Above Dental

Dental Care |2 min read

How Often Do I Need a Dental Exam and Cleaning?

The idea of going to the dentist may rarely elicit the same enthusiastic response as going out to your favorite restaurant, or catching the premiere of a new blockbuster movie. In fact, going to the dentist often gets a bad rap—so much so that many will put off dental...

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Dental Care |2 min read

What are the Signs of Wisdom Tooth Pain?

Do you wonder if the oral discomfort you’re suffering from is caused by your wisdom teeth? What are the signs of wisdom tooth pain, and what can you do to get relief? Wisdom Tooth 101 Wisdom teeth are also referred to as third molars: Some basic information about them...

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Dental Care |2 min read

Why Your Smile Wants You to Drink Green Tea

What’s your favorite beverage of choice? If green tea doesn’t rank high on your popularity charts, a study published in the Journal of Periodontology may provide the incentive you need to give this healthy beverage a try. Health Benefits Green tea has long been...

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