Refresh Your Smile
As you can tell from the name, cosmetic dentistry is all about improving how your smile looks. Unfortunately, nothing can ruin a beautiful smile more easily than stained teeth!
At Above Dental, we’re proud to offer professional teeth whitening treatments for eligible patients who want whiter teeth in North Bend and Coos Bay, OR .
Whitening to the Rescue
Why are my teeth stained?Discolored teeth happen for several reasons. While some are preventable, others are not. The most common causes include:
Foods and drinks
Have you ever noticed that your teeth seem yellow after drinking coffee or tea? This is because both drinks can discolor your teeth. Other foods and drinks that stain include cherries, blueberries, soft drinks, and red wines. Avoiding these foods (or making sure to brush your teeth after eating them) can minimize discoloration.Select medications
Some types of drugs like antihistamines, antidepressants, and high blood pressure medicine can contribute to discolored teeth. Of course, these medicines are important, so try brushing your teeth well to minimize any unavoidable effects.Certain dental treatments
Dental procedures involving materials like amalgam fillings can cast a gray tint on nearby teeth. Finding alternatives to these procedures, such as a composite filling, can help avoid discoloration.Smoking
Lifestyle choices like smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco can stain your teeth. Tobacco and nicotine contribute to a yellow smile, making the enamel more prone to staining.Physical trauma
Just like hitting your leg against a table may cause a bruise, damage to a tooth may also cause color changes. For example, your teeth may darken if you’ve accidentally chipped or cracked a tooth due to a fall or blunt trauma.Poor oral hygiene
Perhaps most importantly, poor oral hygiene habits can cause discoloration. Brushing your teeth doesn’t just prevent cavities; it also thoroughly cleans your mouth of any leftover food residue. Therefore, a lack of good hygiene can increase the chances of staining.Genetics
Unfortunately, you may be doing everything right and still notice your teeth darken over time. This is because some people just happen to be more genetically prone to discoloration. There’s not much you can do at home, but luckily, professional teeth whitening can help.Natural aging
Your teeth may be changing color because staining often goes hand in hand with aging. Doctors haven’t figured out a way to prevent aging yet, but our dentists have ways to reverse some signs with teeth whitening treatments.